Il Patio
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Federica and Antonio's Dream
On June 14th 2018, we, Federica and Antonio, took over “THE PATIO”, one of the oldest beach establishments in Fregene.
It was an enthusiastic project for us and our five children to realise a dream that we had been planning for a long time.
The first owners, the Pascali famiy, had designed the estabilishment with the characteristic curvy lines after which, in 1946, the beach was demined of German bombs planted to stop an eventual allied landing which instead took place in Anzio.

The Beach
The beach is furnished with sunbeds with soft cushions so as to rest under the rafia covered umbrellas and situated so that the sea is always in sight.
We have bathing huts and changing facilities together with hot showers.
The Restaurant
Accogliamo i nostri clienti all’interno, al fresco del Patio o in pedana ma soprattutto siamo stati fra i primi a Fregene a posizionare i tavoli direttamente sulla sabbia, iniziativa che incontra grande favore presso i nostri ospiti. La zona Patio è eventualmente riparata dal vento da un sistema di protezione poco invasivo, mentre in spiaggia ci si può rilassare sotto freschi ombrelloni in fibra naturale. Alla bisogna agili barriere mobili vengono velocemente posizionate per proteggere dal vento. Siamo aperti tutto l’anno.

Parking area
Vast parking space with security at the weekends
Summer Center Sailing Club
We are members of the Sailing school “The Vela Sporting Club” which organises a summer centre for young children and adolescents.
The vast space on the beach allows activities like this to take place at the same time respecting the calm for those who choose to relax.